Blue Humming Therapy offers a unique stress management program to help our clients manage their stress more holistically and effectively.

Typical Stress Management
Clients often come up with their own stress management strategies, such as learning stress management techniques, talking to professionals, and inventing their own stress management methods. These stress management strategies, though good, often have too much information or do not match the clients' specific stress types. They feel overwhelmed or lose motivation, and end up giving up stress management. This process sometimes causes serious mental health issues.
Information too generic, less customized data and plan
No shared data and information
Stress Management Workshop/Training
No shared data and information
Stress Management with Professionals
BHT Stress Management
BHT Stress Management is an innovative stress management program with which we can offer holistic and customized care for each client. BHT therapists have been concerned that clients often feel overwhelmed by too much stress management information, or continue to engage in the stress management that does not reduce their stress. It is also common that clients express they cannot see any progress.
BHT created a holistic stress management program with which clients and therapists can share the same information and work together to achieve the goal. The holistic information-sharing model helps clients and therapists to minimize redundancy or lacking their work and to track the progress more accurately.
Holistic & Customized Stress Management
Data and Information is Shared
Data and Information is Shared
Stress Management Workshop/Training
Stress Management
with Professionals
Data and Information is Shared
The data and information is shared with all parties.
Stress Type
Stress Symptom
Cognitive Distortion Pattern
Stress Reduction Method